The Christmas Kitty
The Christmas Kitty


My Aunt Wynne was a real dilly! There are other words that spring to mind but they are better left unsaid. My mother and Wynne were sisters and she would come to visit quite frequently. We kids ranged in ages from twelve down to five. There were four of us in all.  We all liked Wynne mostly because she was a lot of fun and she always had a joke or story to tell us. A lot of which was something we should not be hearing, like swear words or sometimes titillating subjects, usually when my Mother was not around.

My Mother would chastise Wynne sometimes but it never bothered her and she would keep doing it and we would keep listening to her. Wynne didn’t listen very well especially when someone told her she could not do something. She was a flapper in the days when it was popular to be one. One time, she tried to teach us the Charleston but we never seemed to catch on. Occasionally, she would bring her current boyfriend and they usually brought goodies then, like ice cream or candy. That’s one of the reasons we liked her so much.

Wynne had a new boyfriend and she brought him to our house one time.  He was a big, boisterous, Polish gentleman.  His favorite food was potato pancakes which he would proceed to make whenever he came.  They were one of the most delicious things I had ever tasted.  Even today, I can make them without a recipe almost as good as he did.

He really made an impression on us kids and we looked forward to his visits.  But alas, Wynne dropped him after going out for quite a while, much to our chagrin.

One Christmas which was particularly hard for us as Father had left us to go and stay with his Mother, leaving us in the lurch with no food or means to buy any. This seemed to be happening on a fairly regular basis. Since he had lost his job as a teacher and didn’t plan on looking for another job, we were pretty destitute.  I suppose the responsibility was too great for him, supporting his family. So Mother was our only means of support and she had to take care of us kids.

Aunt Wynne, knowing that Mother was not going to be able to get us much or anything for Christmas, thought she was helping by telling us this story. It was only a few days before Christmas and like all kids we were expecting at least one present each.

So Wynne gathered us all around and began:

“You know kids, something bad has happened to Santa this year.  The Police spotted him speeding in his car and they arrested him. So he is cooling his heels in jail right now and probably will be there through Christmas.

So sorry to say but Santa will not be able to deliver your presents this year.”

Tears started rolling down our faces, except twelve-year-old Anna, as she didn’t believe anymore. I was ten and beginning to waver but I still thought there may be a chance, so I was as devastated as the younger kids.

Just then mother came into the room and caught Wynne in the act and said to us, “Aunt Wynne was just kidding, Santa is not really in jail and you will still be getting a few presents although not many.”

We went to bed happy then and Aunt Wynne was banished from our house for a time. But over the years Aunt Wynne continued with her shenanigans and stories and while we never quite believed her anymore, it didn’t keep her from trying.

Halloween has come and gone. Can Christmas be far behind? 1ST DAY OF NaBloPoMo

santa resized

Every year we all go into this frenzy which starts just about Halloween (sometimes earlier), which continues usually until the first of the new year.

I have tried each year to get less and less involved in this frenzy.  But it has become increasingly harder to do.

Especially the shopping in stores with the maniacal crowds searching for a bargain.

Parents are shopping for the latest toy or more recently electronic piece of equipment.

Like an Iphone, ipad, the readers from Barnes and Noble and Amazon.

The kids just have to have one no matter the age of the child.  They have to show it to their friends and school chums.

The past few years my daughters (with families of their own) and I have hit upon an idea that is overlooked for the most part with all the frantic racing around.

We decided to make something for each other and dispense with the shopping, crowds, etc.

I know, what a concept!  It takes a little more planning and you have to start early but it is much more rewarding and appreciated.

Now this may not work for everyone.  In fact it may not even be an option for some.

But I think in this day and age with a lot of the population out of work and or on unemployment or worse, making something may be just the thing.

It will not only lift their spirits, but kick in those creative

juices that we all have to some extent.

There are a lot of stores with ideas and classes like Michael’s that one can go to and get started on whatever your project may be.

It’s amazing the ideas you can come up with!  My daughter  and I have been

making our own Christmas cards for the past several years and it is very fun and rewarding.

Anyone can do it but it takes some time and planning but not much money.

And the people who receive them have

always been happy and appreciative. Then there is always  candy or cookie making.  We know everyone loves those for gifts.

Or Christmas baskets with exotic coffees and teas, also cheese and crackers to name a


Anyway, thought I’d toss out those ideas for your perusal.  Happy creating!

Incidentally, the Santa you see at top of blog is an acrylic painting I did for a Christmas card I sent to friends and relatives a few years ago.